Combined Resolve XVIII
Combined Resolve is a large multinational exercise that is held on the training grounds at Hohenfels in southern Germany. The exercise is held twice a year with different countries and units. At Combined Resolve XVIII, a total of 4,000 men participated. Including the following countries North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, UK, and the US.
During our visit we were able to capture a logistics mulitinational unit on the sensitive plate. Belgium, Slovakia and the 1st Cavalry Division from Texas were set up.
After we finished photographing, we drove on to a few M109A6 Paladin Houwitzers of 16 FA (Field Artillery), with 3 pieces a fire position was taken and this was of course completely photographed. The big disadvantage of this beautiful day? Rain ...... and then also continuous rain.
But that was not allowed to spoil the fun of course.
The Combined Resolve exercises are several times a year. And are supported by the JMRC in Hohenfels. JMRC stands for Joint Multinational Readiness Center and falls under the 7th Army Training Command.
On 11-05-2023 the army spotters were visiting Hohenfels for the multinational exercise Combined Resolve. On this page you will find a number of photos of this beautiful exercise. Unfortunately the weather completely abandoned us and it eventually became a soaking wet day.