Saber Junction 2023

From 06-09-2023 to 16-09-2023, the large multinational exercise Saber Junction took place again in the Hohenfels military training grounds. This time, in addition to units of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment (2nd Dragoons), soldiers from, among others, Armenia and France were part of.
With Saber Junction, NATO partners are trained to work together in different circumstances. Of course the Stryker armored wheel vehicles were present in large numbers during the exercise.
During our visit we were able to photograph different types of. In addition to the Strykers, a VBCI and artillery were also present.

Various aspects were discussed during the 2 -week exercise. With an end action against the Forge of the JMRC (Joint Multinational Readiness Center). In this way, reality is approached very closely during these exercises.
During Saber Junction 2023, 4,000 soldiers were present, largely from the US Army.